Bonsai 盆栽
David Cheshire Nurseries Ltd are specialist nursery growers of bonsai from starter trees to mature, unique and highly desirable specimens for decerning collectors.
Bonsai are trees grown in a pot and pruned and maintained to create a miniature piece of art representing trees found in nature. The skill of the grower is to produce a tree that looks like it has never been touched by a human hand.
All of our outdoor bonsai trees are fully hardy in the UK. Some are imported from specialist bonsai nurseries in Japan and suppliers in Europe, but a great many are grown by us right here in the UK.
We are currently working with our team in Japan to import stock directly to the UK. Here, we manage the import, arrival and the quarantine of imported trees on-site at our nursery.

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Bonsai Classifications
Imperial 152-203cm (60-80″)
Eight-handed requiring four people to carry it. -
Hachi-uye 102-152cm (40-60″)
Six-handed requiring three people to carry it. -
Dai or Omono 76-122cm (30-48″)
Four-handed requiring two people to carry it. -
Chiu or Chumono 41-91cm (16-36″)
Two-handed requiring one person to carry it. -
Katade-mochi 25-46cm (10-18″)
Two-handed requiring one person to carry it. -
Kumono 15-25cm (6-10″)
One-handed requiring one person to carry it. -
Chohin or Shohin 13-20cm (5-8″)
One-handed requiring one person to carry it. -
Mame 5-15cm (2-6″)
One-handed requiring one person to carry it. -
Shito 5-10cm (2-4″)
One-handed requiring one person to carry it. -
Keshitsubo 3-8cm (2-3″)
Fingertip requiring one person to carry it.
A few examples of mature outdoor bonsai trees sold from our nursery.
Chinese Juniper (Juniperus chinensis 'itoigawa').
David Cheshire Nurseries 2021 - 25
Oriental Hornbeam (Carpinus orientalis).
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Japanese White Pine (Pinus Parviflora).
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Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica).
David Cheshire Nurseries 2021 - 25
Trident Maple (Acer buergerianum).
David Cheshire Nurseries 2021 - 25
Japanese Grey-bark Elm (Zelkova serrata).
David Cheshire Nurseries 2021 - 25
Bonsai Starter Trees