Suiseki 水石 - Small Decorative Rocks
Suiseki are small rocks which are appreciated for their aesthetic or decorative value. They may be displayed in two ways; either presented on a carved wooden base known as a daiza or placed in a ceramic tray/bowl known as a suiban or bronze tray called a doban.
Suiseki must be expressive and have a special shape, colour and/or texture to be categorized as such. Stones may conjure up a sense of landscape (e.g. mountains, lakes and rivers) or take the form or resemblance of another object such as animals or sculpture.
The purest form of Suiseki are stones that have been shaped only by nature.
Suiseki are often very pleasing to hold in the hand, their texture, weight and how they conduct heat all add to their visual qualities.
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A very attractive suiseki resembling a thatched hut sitting on a daiza base.

A very attractive suiseki resembling a thatched hut sitting on a daiza base.

A very attractive suiseki resembling a thatched hut sitting on a high quality, nicely finished daiza base.

A small, natural form suiseki ideal for display in a suiban tray.